description: <BODY>
The body of the email will be filled into the description of the issue or the description-equivalent of the request.summary: <SUBJECT>
The subject of the email will be the summary of the issue.reporter: <SENDER>
This one is a little tricky. See in the dedicated section for Template basics | mapping-<SENDER> below.customfield_*****: <ORGANIZATIONS> (the actual custom field number depends on your instance and is determined accordingly)
If the reporter is found to be an existing customer, the organizations the customer is part of will be pre-filled.
Otherwise, if the mapping is associated with the “reporter” field and all of the following are applicable, our Add-In is capable of directly creating a new customer, see alsoWhy do new customers appear in my : Jira Service Management instance? .- On Behalf Of
Have a Jira Service Management project selected.
You have “Request type” enabled. Creating an issue via “Issue type” can never create a customer.
You will see a “(new)” appear after the email address in the “On behalf of” field.
If the tab “Service Portal” is not visible for you, check the following setting in the App Settingsapp settings.
If you are neither in a Service Management project nor have selected a “Request Type” nor have an existing user or customer for this email address, your own Jira user will be pre-filled into the “reporter” field.