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Office Item Sharing Shared access is a token sharing technology that is used in various yasoon applications. It allows you to share office items Microsoft 365 entities like emails, conversations, chats or calendars with others. In the following guide you will find more detailed information about shareable office items and permissions that can be set within the appsother Jira or Confluence users. You are basically giving them a very narrow access to certain information on your behalf.


Supported apps

Token sharing is currently only available for Atlassian Cloud products and will only work with Microsoft 365 (Office 365)

Token sharing is currently supported in the apps Outlook Email for Jira and , Outlook Calendars for Confluence .


and Microsoft Teams for Jira.



Security is our top priority when sharing access to entities. Whenever a user shares something with other users, a permission entry, along with a reference to the users authentication tokens is stored in our encrypted database.

When a user requests access to a shared entity like an email, the request is validated based on the permissions configured. When this user is granted access, our server calls the corresponding Microsoft resource on behalf of the user that shared the item. As all the data handling is done via our servers, no direct access is granted to any un-privileged user.

Whenever the user that shared the entity logs out of the app, other users no longer have access to the shared resources. If the user renews their login, access to the shared entity will be restored.


Microsoft 365 entities

The following Office objects can be shared within the apps.


Allows access to an individual email.


Allows access to an individual email conversation, including following new emails.


Allows access to an Outlook calendar and all events in the calendar.


Allows read-only access to a Microsoft Teams chat.


Permission Types

Each Office item can be shared with a specific permission scope. The app currently provides the following sharing permissions.


Only allows access to the Office item to the person who shared it.

Validated by the Microsoft login.

Azure Tenant

Office Items can also be shared with users in the same Azure tenant. This provides the possibility for users to see Office item that are not in their own mailbox.

Validated by the Microsoft login.

Atlassian Cloud

Gives every logged in Atlassian user access to the shared Office item.

Validated by the Atlassian JWT-Token


Gives every user access to the shared Office item even if they are not logged in with Atlassian.

Validated by the Atlassian JWT-Token


Security is our top priority for shared Office items. Whenever a user shares an Office item with other users, a reference to their Graph login, the Office item id and permissions are stored in our encrypted database.

When a user requests access to a shared office item, the request is validated based on the permissions configured. When this item is granted access, our server calls the corresponding Microsoft Graph resource with the token of the sharing user. And returns the response from Microsoft Graph to the client application, no tokens or credentials of the user is passed to the client application.

Whenever the user of a shared Office items logs out of the app, other users no longer have access to the shared resources. If the user logs in again, shared Office items will start working again.
