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The add-in sidebar shows you issues related to your current email with a detailed overview and lets you add comments. You can also see information on the sender as well as previous issues

Table of Contents


How to find the sidebar


For Opening the sidebar, click in the ribbon on the button view issues.

If you work with our Addadd-in more often you can also open the sidebar constantly and pin it.





The issue sidebar can show issues based on the current email conversation or based on the sender. All issues shown in the sidebar give you the most important information at a glance. It shows you the current status, the issue type, if you are the assignee of this issue and if you watch it.

Conversation Issuesissues

Issues for the current conversation are selected by multiple criteria:


Email conversations are defined by Outlook. Most often it is a conversation if users are using Reply/Forward on the email.

Sender Issuesissues

To determine the sender issues, the add-in uses the email address of the sender and searches for it in Jira. It is limited to the last 5 modified issues.

No Issues issues found

If the sidebar could not find any issues and remains empty, you can create an issue easily from the sidebar with the create new issue button or you can use the ribbon.




quick actions


The add-in will not replace the full Jira UI but it gives you the most important actions for your daily work in Outlook.


You can also easily upload new images or mails emails with drag & drop on the issue overview and it will automatically save them in the files area.






Clicking on any issue will open it in the sidebar.


Comments and Files are shown on different tabs for an easier overview.


Write a comment


On the comment tab you can see all existing comments and add a new one. It provides a full graphical editor and you can also mention other users to get their attention.


Upload files on the issue

On the files tab you can see and download all existing attachments on the issue.
For images, it will automatically create a thumbnail to make it easy to find the right attachment.
