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Search for and share Jira issues in MS Teams

Good to know
Use this feature in Outlook, as well! Add our “Smart Connect for Jira app” via the “Manage apps” section and share issues via email with stakeholders / team members. Learn more.

Feature overview

Add a Jira issue to a Microsoft Teams channel to triage and discuss tickets together. Team members can join the conversation, even if they don’t use Jira or JSM. Keep your team going!


Open a Microsoft Teams channel → Go to the conversation tab → Click on the app → Search for Jira issue

Post the Jira issue into the channel → Team members can join

Automatic linking

Automatic issue linking is the process that helps you share information between Microsoft Teams & Jira. If you share a Jira issue in Microsoft Teams, our bot will detect this and link the conversation to this issue automatically. To try this, you can share an issue to any channel where the bot is installed.

After sharing an issue (see screenshot How-to), the bot will post a reply, saying the issue has been linked. From now on, all replies will automatically be visible in Jira!

Feature requirements

In order to search for and share Jira issues in Microsoft Teams channels, the following set-up and configuration needs to done:

Jira & Microsoft deployment

  • Jira Cloud, Jira Server & Data Center (Server needs to be publicly available)

  • Microsoft 365 & MS Exchange