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Search for and share Jira issues in Outlook

Compose a new email or reply to an existing one and search for and share Jira issues via email. Allow team members and / or stakeholders (outside your organization) to access relevant information via email.



  • New Outlook version (desktop or web)




Go to the “more apps” section in your Outlook.

Click on “Add apps”.


Find Smart Connect for Jira

Use the search function to look for our “Smart Connect for Jira app” and select it.

Pick Smart Connect for Jira

Choose the app and click on “Add”.

Watch our short demo video, if you want to learn more about the feature before.

Access Smart Connect for Jira

The app is now available in your Outlook. You’re all set

You can now search for and share issues via email - just like like you do in MS Teams.

Share issues via email

Search for and share issues

Start a new email (or reply to an existing one) and choose the Smart Connect for Jira via the Outlook ribbon.

Select the app and …

Search for and share issues

… search for your issue and share it via email - just as you use the sharing issues feature in MS Teams.

Share issue by email

Share important information with your team or stakeholders (outside of your organization) and allow them to access important issue information (from Jira) with a click.

Good to know
You’re working with your customer portal in MS Teams? Bring it to your Outlook and allow your customers to raise tickets in Outlook. Learn more.