Outlook set-up

Great, that you decided for the Email feature! In order to use its full potential, please follow the steps below to finalize its set-up.

1. Application link

Jira cloud only

  • The application link is a secure way to connect your Jira Cloud instance with Outlook.

  • As soon as the Jira admin activated the email feature, an application link needs to be created.

  • The Outlook app uses OAuth 1.0a to connect to your Jira instance.

  • You need to create a new application link, so Outlook can connect safely.

  • You find more details about application links here.

For Jira Server/Data Center the link is created automatically after the installation.

2. Create application link

jira admin

Please follow the instructions carefully!
Any misspelling could prevent Jira for Outlook from working correctly.



Jira admin settings

Login as Jira admin and go to Settings → Products → Application links.

Create new application link

Create a new application link by inserting the following:


Review link

There will be a popup, telling you about the application link you are about to create.
Click Continue.

Important: Leave the checkbox “I am an admin” checked!

Application link created

After clicking continue, the link will be created.

You now have successfully created and thus enabled the connection between Jira and Outlook.

Now you need to install the right add-in …

3. Install and deploy the Outlook add-in

microsoft 365 admin

The email feature only unfolds its full potential, if the correct Outlook add-in is installed.

The installation of the Outlook add-in is a prerequisite to use Jira features in your Outlook inbox (see below “Why Outlook add-in” for more information).

Tip: Make sure to install the Outlook add-in to all those users, who work with emails a lot (and most probably need) to bring them to Jira.
Otherwise, Jira user’s won’t be able to access emails in the issue in the first place.

Why Outlook add-in

Outlook add-in required

Only with the Outlook add-in you can:

Outlook add-in not required

Not every user in your team needs to necessarily install the Outlook add-in.

The following features can still be used without an add-in: