Configure Exchange Proxy

Configure Exchange Proxy

This page gives a short overview of available proxy types. If you are interested in the technical reasons for the proxy, please take a look at our technical architecture.

Proxy Types

There are three types of proxies that we support. In this case, proxy is not referring to a generic proxy, but a piece of software, that enables CORS and translates a restful HTTP call with JSON body to an EWS request, based on XML. 

To give you an idea which option achieves which results, please take a look at the following table:

Proxy TypeProConWorks on Confluence Server / Data CenterWorks on Confluence Cloud
Confluence Proxy
  • Highest possible privacy, since no data is leaving Confluence
  • Fast, since server location is close to user
  • Puts more load on Confluence, which might need to be monitored
Yes ✅No ❌
Web Proxy
  • Easiest to get started & manage, since we take care of scaling & performance for you
  • Slightly less secure since data flows through our servers. No data is stored though, which makes for an acceptable trade-off
  • Slightly less fast (for on-Premise Exchange), since call needs to leave Intranet zone

Yes ✅

Yes ✅
Custom Proxy
  • Same high privacy as Confluence proxy, since it's also running on your premises
  • Fast, since server location is close to user
  • Does not put any additional load on Confluence
  • Overhead of running a dedicated piece of software in your environment, e.g. Docker container or virtual machine
Yes ✅Yes ✅

Confluence Proxy

This proxy is only supported on Confluence Server or Data Center and is built into the app itself. It is based on the ews-java-api library by Microsoft. This is the most secure option to use, since no outside system will ever get in contact with sensitive data. This is also the default setting for Exchange OnPremise servers. Please note that this setting will put additional load on your Confluence server.

Web Proxy

This proxy is supported in every scenario. It's simply a small nodeJS-based ExpressJS server, which will basically do the same thing as the Java based Confluence proxy. The difference is, that this proxy is hosted on AWS. The source code is open source and can be found in here. This is the default for most combinations, because it offers better scaling and less configuration than the Confluence Proxy. In case you need to white-list the proxy in your firewall, the URL is: https://ews.yasoon.com/*

Custom Proxy

The custom proxy can be used, if you decide to host our web proxy in your premises. It will work exactly the same, with the added benefit of a more private hosting. Configuration and initial setup is more complicated, though it can also be switched to at any time in the future.

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