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    This part of our documentation is under construction as this feature is currently in early access only.

    Presets allow you to fine-tune Microsoft 365 for Jira settings for users. This makes the configuration process centralised and efficient, ensuring a smoother and more guided user experience. You can create individual Presets that will be available in your Jira or JSM projects.

    Preset settings can be accessed either through the admin section or project settings. This enhancement allows for a more streamlined and efficient configuration process, ensuring a smoother user experience.

    Microsoft Teams Presets: visible for users when they start a new MS Teams chat or channel conversation



    image-20240822-093423.png Teams Presets

    Create Presets for users to choose from when they start a Microsoft Teams chat or channel conversation within an issue. Examples:

    • Triage channel post

    • Customer chat

    • Internal chat

    Use built-in automations like creating a chat that automatically adds a Jira comment.

    image-20240822-093347.png Email Presets

    Create Presets for users to choose from when users send an Outlook email from within an issue. Examples:

    • Project update mail to reporter

    • External mail requesting further input

    Use built-in automations like sending an email backup when an issue is resolved.

    image-20240822-093409.png Meetings Presets

    Create Presets that are available when users schedule an Outlook or Microsoft Teams meeting from within an issue. Examples:

    • Project briefing meeting

    • Triage MS Teams meeting

    Use built-in automations like creating a meeting that automatically adds a Jira comment.


    • Where to find Presets

      • In the Jira admin settings

      • and project settings

    • Who is in charge:

      • For a global setting: Jira admin

      • For a project specific setting: user / project admin

    • What it does: Pre-configuration of a “templates” per feature when being used

      • Presets are available for our Email, Teams and Meetings feature

      • Presets contain specific configuration options per feature (including sharing, templates, notifications etc.)

    • Benefit:

      • Presets allow for “feature templates” → standardized workflows → saves time and is easier for users

    Presets: Jira admin settings

    Presets: Microsoft Teams

    Teams Preset overview

    Go to your admin or project settings and create a new Preset for Teams chats or channel posts.

    New Preset: chat

    With Teams chats, sharing options, chat (text) templates and (Jira) notification comments can be defined/preselected.

    New Preset: channel post

    With MS Teams channel posts only (Jira) comments can be defined.

    Example Preset JSM “Teams chat”

    Example Preset Jira Software “Teams chat

    Presets: Outlook email feature

    Email Preset overview

    Go to your admin or project settings and create a new Preset for emails send from Jira (issues).

    New Preset: email

    With (new) emails from Jira, (text) templates, (Jira) notification comments, sharing options and participants can be defined / preselected.

    Example Preset Jira Software “new email”

    Presets: meetings feature

    Meetings Preset overview

    Go to your admin or project settings and create a new Preset for meetings send or scheduled from Jira.

    New Preset: new meeting

    With (new) meetings scheduled from Jira, (text) templates can be defined and set for the next meeting.


    Example Preset JSM “new meeting”