Template Examples
- Peter Probst (Deactivated)
- Benjamin Linser
- Andreas Schmidt
Owned by Peter Probst (Deactivated)
<!-- Checks a custom gender field and generates the salutation accordingly -->
{{#if (exists issue.customfield_11111.raw)}}
{{#eq issue.customfield_11111.raw "m"}} <!-- check for the specific field value "m" -->
Dear Sir
{{#eq issue.customfield_11111.raw "f"}} <!-- check for the specific field value "m" -->
Dear Madam
{{else}} <!-- if the field is empty -->
Dear Sir or Madam
{{#or (eq issue.priority.name "Medium") (eq issue.priority.name "High")}}
<!-- this will be executed if the issue's priority is either Medium or High -->
{{#and (exists issue.summary) (compare issue.summary != "Test")}}
<!-- this will be executed if the issue summary is set but different then "Test"-->