[!] Card designer / Adaptive Cards
You can use the Card Designer to customize the way Adaptive Cards are posted by the Smart Connect bot in your Microsoft Teams chats.
Adaptive cards (or: issue view card) are those cards being posted to Microsoft Teams when you start a Microsoft Teams channel conversation from your Jira issue.
To learn more about Adaptive Cards check out the documentation by Microsoft: Adaptive Cards Overview - Adaptive Cards.
Feature at a glance
Have an overview of your adpative cards created > edit, if required
Set-up a new Adaptive Card > currently, only issue cards are available
Issue cards: issue information shared to a channel
Design Feld <> Preview (sehen, was man “gebaut” hat)
Änderung der Feldreihenfolge nach Prio via drag & drop möglich
Add fields UND Static Text
Deploy / use the card when setting up a Preset Teams Channel Conversation
Default settings > Choose issue card
Toggle “Render issue fields without values” >> Zeige auch die Felder, die keinen Wert haben (bspw. due date leer, da bisher unbekannt)
Currently, we’re working on different card types to be configured
via drop down when clicking on create
In future, we’re planning on offering the set-up of different adaptive cards depending on the app which posts the car (smart connect vs portal app)
→ Info: work in progress. more options are coming soon!
→ Feedback-Button send to Support at yasoon // Tell us you use cases or special needs