3.1 Installation Guide Office Add-in
3.1 Installation Guide Office Add-in
new version
We have a new version of Outlook Email for Jira!
This is the documentation for the old add-in. If you are looking for info about the new one, please click click here.
Open the Store
There are multiple ways to install the Add-in into your Outlook. The most convenient way is to simply open Outlook and open the Store via the button in the top toolbar.
Install the Add-in
In the Store search for "Jira" and you'll find Jira for Outlook. Enable it with a click on the toggle button
After the installation you'll see 3 new buttons in the top toolbar. Click any of them to start the initial configuration
Please enter you Jira Url, includung http:// or https://
E.g.: https://yasoon.atlassian.net
Afterwards you'll be asked to login - and that's it
, multiple selections available,