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1.20 Migrate old Cloud instances

new version

We have a new version of Outlook Email for Jira!
This is the documentation for the old add-in. If you are looking for info about the new one, please click click here.

Please Note

This guide is only relevant, if you have been using the Outlook App for JIRA before May, 2017 and want to use the new Office Add-in.

Create new Appplication link

The Office Add-in requires an Application link for the URL

Please go to Jira Administration → Applications → Application Links.

Enter the URL and choose "Create new link"

Confirm Popup

There will be a warning that the server does not respond. This is expected.

We never send your data to this server so it is ok there is no response. Choose Continue.

Set a name and finish

Last enter an application name, e.g. JIRA for Office365 and save the application link.

Your are done and can use the Office add-in